Synopsis“A Killer Story” is a philosophical tale about a tough, bright private detective who outsmarts everybody, including himself, as he attempts to find a missing neuroscientist on the verge of creating a revolutionary/evolutionary "brain chip".
Hired jointly by the scientist’s wife and partner to discover what’s happened to the missing scientist, our detective, instead, spins a tale that ends up trapping all of them in A Killer Story. Timely and thought-provoking, A Killer Story is a noir, sexy, unpredictable story about the wonderful/terrible power of stories. It is also about class and status, art, science, anger, jealousy, and guilt. The three characters tell their stories in sometimes interlinked, sometimes independent monologues. In addition, these dynamically “zipped” monologues occasionally morph into “real time dialogues” – recollections of actual and charged conversations. |